Tularosa Wildcat Logo


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Due to a positive COVID-19 case, and insufficient drivers to transport students, Tularosa Schools will voluntarily shut down and move to virtual learning beginning tomorrow Wednesday, November 3rd through Friday, November 5th. All classes will be taught virtually during the shut down. Meals will be available for all students and may be picked up each day at Tularosa High School and Tularosa Middle School from 10:00-12:00 or the Mescalero Community Center from 10:00-12:00.

With winter approaching, it is important that we keep all of our students and staff safe and healthy.  Tularosa Schools offers no cost voluntary Covid-19 testing for all students and staff on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Parents may register their children using this link or visiting https://www.assure-eurofins-pooledtesting.com/app/#/registration/IOIFJD/JBZ0GS/institution.  

We apologize for any inconvenience this closure may cause and appreciate your understanding.

If you have any questions, please contact your school or Tularosa Municipal Schools District Offices.


W. Todd Lindsay